Supermarket-free Me: Who to follow, what to read

Westy Writes has just included me in her latest blog post about going supermarket free which is something I am  really wanting to do, even though it does actually look impossible!

Fortunately with a bit of advice and support anything is possible and Westy’s blog is the perfect place to start.

Thank you for including me 🙂


It has been almost a full month since I posted about my intention to revive Supermarket-free Me on the blog while I give up supermarkets for lent. I was delighted by the responses I got via the blog and Twitter. Clearly there is interest out there and I know a growing number of you have already heroically pledged to give up using supermarkets for a year or more!

If indeed you are interested in my challenge then I thought it could be helpful to share with you links to some members of the supermarket-free community out there, or indeed, to those who blog or tweet about issues that might be relevant you. So here, in no particular order, are some recommendations:

Goodbye Supermarkets
Joanne O’Connell is a journalist who has given up supermarkets. She’s a regular on Twitter at @byesupermarkets and her webpage is . If you’re concerned that…

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